What they said about the Corfu Trail

"The island seems deserted; you hardly meet any people for hours except for trekkers and local farmers and shepherds... What a stunning holiday - one of the best ever. The guide book of the Corfu Trail was brilliant and the well-marked trail challenging - but we did it."
David Carabott, Independent of Malta

"This trail... escapes the fleshpot resorts and transports you into a sleepy hinterland of crumbling monasteries and secret hamlets - the Corfu made famous by Gerald Durrell, the one that British visitors originally fell in love with."
Vincent Crump, The Sunday Times

"The Corfu Trail... taking in lyrical scenery and pretty old villages."
Dana Faracos, Sunday Times Travel Magazine

"The Corfu Trail... skips the spoilt bits and sticks to the ancient landscape of olive groves, vineyards, whitewashed monasteries and blue lagoons."
Stephen Bleach, The Sunday Times

"Mostly blue skies, bright blue crystal clear water, white, terracotta and pastel coloured buildings draped with masses of bougainvillea, a lot of sun, a lot of Mythos (Greek beer), a lot of retsina, great group of companions and an excellent leader... what a terrific trip."
JC's Travelblog

"I could not believe, on this island that we heard was so developed, that we could walk for nine days and see nothing but nature."
Walker from Latvia

"[A] journey that takes in a diverse range of locations, from the environmentally significant, such as the wildlife sanctuary of Lake Korission, to architectural treasures such as the Byzantine castle of Angelokastro … Since it opened officially in 2001, word has spread, and it is beginning to draw ‘distance’ hikers from around the world."
Mark MacKenzie, Independent on Sunday

"Despite some bad weather, and occasional difficult footpaths, we really enjoyed walking the Corfu Trail. The mix of scenery (coastal, mountains, rural villages) makes Corfu a good place for a walking holiday."
Ian and Sandie Schagen

"Maybe you should put a warning on your site that hiking the Corfu Trail is addictive. I hiked it in 2018 and in 2022 and now I want to hike it again in 2025."
Bert Luykx

"This trail has introduced me to a side of Corfu I didn't know, and I love it. It has been a wonderful time and I would like to thank you and the team for making this possible. The paths are well kept and the signs are everywhere, people are friendly and the food is so good. The guide has proved very valuable. I will definitely recommend this trail to friends and family."
Rinus Scheldeman

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