The Corfu Trail

Travel Companies
Aperghi Travel - Corfu travel agent which handles ground arrangements for Corfu Trail walkers.

The Companion Guide to the Corfu Trail - The official guide to the Corfu Trail, with full route instructions and detailed maps. Available as a pdf download from the Internet at a price of 10 euros.
The Complete Book of Corfu Walks - Over 75 strolls, walks and hikes all over the island of Corfu. Available as a pdf download from the Internet at a price of 20 euros.
Walking the Corfu Trail with Friends, Flowers and Food - A humourous account of a walk along the Corfu Trail, by local author John Waller.
Freytag & Berndt - The best available map of Corfu, with the course of the Trail marked.

Walking the Corfu Trail - an account of a couple's walk along the southern part of the Corfu Trail.

Flora Ionica - An inventory of ferns and flowering plants of the Ionian Islands.
Corfu Flowers - Photographs showing many of the island's flowers, identified and named by a botanist whilst walking the Corfu Trail.
St George's Bay Country Club - Beautiful resort hotel near the end of the Corfu Trail. Contains Corfu's largest and most modern Spa.
Del Cielo - Luxury retreat set in private grounds near Spartillas, panoramic views and lots of walking possibilities, including the Corfu Trail.
Old Perithia - A dedicated guide to Corfu's unique heritage-listed mountain village, on the course of the Corfu Trail.
AllCorfu - Everything you need to know about Corfu - and more!
Green Corfu - A website promoting a different Corfu.
Agiotfest - Corfu's annual music festival (rock, jazz, pop) takes place in August at Agios Ioannis in the centre of the island.
The Agiot - All about Agios Ioannis, a traditional village in the centre of Corfu. You can also access the village's monthly online magazine.
Weekwalks - The team from trekked the Corfu Trail in April 2019. You can find out how they got on here (scroll down for the Corfu Trail walk).

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